H.E. María Erla MarelsdóttirIsland
Date of Birth | 15th December, 1969
Personal Status | married, with two children
1989 | Graduated from the Reykjavík Upper Secondary Grammar School, Department of Physics
1995 | Cand. Juris, Law Faculty, University of Iceland
2006 | Degree of Master of Laws in European Law (LL.M.), Law Faculty, Stockholm University
Icelandic, English, Swedish and German
Berufliche Laufbahn
1996 | Lawyer, Icelandic Human Rights Centre, Iceland, Lawyer, the Government Agency for Child Protection, Iceland
1997 | First Secretary, External Trade Department, MFA
1998-2001 | First Secretary, Embassy of Iceland, Bonn/Berlin, Germany
2001-2002 | First Secretary, Embassy of Iceland, Stockholm, Sweden
2002-2005 | Counsellor, Embassy of Iceland, Stockholm
2007-2009 | Counsellor, Directorate General for External Trade, MFA
2009-2011 | Director, Department for International Trade Negotiations and Department D for Iceland’s EU Accession, Directorate General for External Trade and Economic, MFA
2009-2013 | Chairperson of the Negotiating Team for External Trade, Foreign and Security Affairs, Iceland’s Accession Negotiations with the EU
2009-2013 | Member of the Negotiation Committee, Iceland’s Accession Negotiations with the EU
2011 | Appointed as Ambassador
2012-2019 | Director General for International Development Cooperation, Directorate for International Cooperation, MFA
2013/2016-2019 | Non-Resident Ambassador of Iceland to Malawi, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and the State of Palestine
2019 | Ambassador to Germany