
H.E. Fernando Miguel Lopez FabregatUruguay




Date of birth: 8th February 1961

Personal Status: Married with 2 children


Postgraduate in Human Resources Management, Universidad Católica del Uruguay Graduate Notary Public, Bachellor in Law, Universidad de la República, Uruguay


Spanish, English, French

Berufliche Laufbahn

Ambassador Fernando López Fabregat is a career diplomat who joined the Foreign Service in 1987 on the basis of an examination and selection procedure. During his diplomatic career, he worked in the Legal Department, as well as in the Treaties and Borders and Asia, Africa and Oceania Departments, among others. He was also Head of the Secretariat of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Relations on several occasions. He also worked as Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director General for International Economic Affairs and Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Academy for Diplomatic Training. He was chief negotiator for feasibility studies for possible free trade agreements with China and Türkiye. Abroad, he performed duties in the Uruguayan embassies to South Africa, Ecuador and Canada, and held the post of Consul General in Toronto, Canada. He has been Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Iceland, Ireland, and Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organisation. Prior to joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he worked in the private banking sector, investments from 1978 to 1987. He has held the following academic appointments: member of the Programme Advisory Committee for the Bachelor's Degree in International Business at Humber College in Toronto, Canada; lecturer in the International Business course of the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies at the University of Guelph in the city of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; and contributing author to the Hill/McKaig university textbook, Global Business Today, published by McGraw-Hill Ryerson Higher Education, in its second and subsequent editions.