Former Ambassadors in Germany

H.E. Joseph Kipng`etich MaguttKenia




1994 Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons) at the Kenyatta University

1997 | Post-Graduate Diploma (PG Dip) in International Relations at the University of Nairobi

2002 | Diploma in Management at the Kenya Institute of Management

2004 | Master of Arts (MA) in International Studies at the University of Nairobi

since 2009 | PhD Research Work at the Kenyatta University


Nandi, Kiswahili, English

Berufliche Laufbahn

1994 | Administrator at the Office of the Vice Chancellor (KU)


2000 | Deputy Director at the Board of Undergraduate Studies (KU)


2004-2011 | Deputy Director Center for Linkages and International Programmes (KU)


2005 | Lecturer in International Politics at the Kenyatta University (KU)


2007 | Advisor to presidential candidate (ODM Party)


2013-2014 | Resident panelist for live national TV show (Kenya’s Ntv)