Politics & Standpoints Global Peace Index

Source: Institute for Economics & Peace. Global Peace Index 2023: Measuring Peace in a Complex World, Sydney, June 2023.
Available from: http://visionofhumanity.org/resources (accessed Date June 2023)


According to the Global Peace Index, the state of global peace has deteriorated by about 0.42 per cent compared to the previous year. The current report of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) also shows how serious the situation is in many places.

The index annually examines the conflict situation in more than 160 countries worldwide. Various factors from three categories are taken into account: Ongoing local and international conflicts, societal security, such as the crime rate or the extent of terrorist incidents or violent demonstrations. In addition, the militarisation of the country is included (expenditure on armament, size of the army).

Improvements in Kazakhstan, Oman, Ivory Coast

Overall, the Peace Index of 84 countries has improved compared to the previous year, most strongly in Kazakhstan (+21 places) and Oman as well as Côte d'Ivoire (+18 places). In 79 countries, on the other hand, it deteriorated, especially in Ecuador (-24 places). The deterioration in the South American country is in particular due to organised crime and the related increased murder rate.

Canada – the most peaceful region on earth

As the chart from Statista shows, Canada is one of the most peaceful regions on earth. In Europe, the war in Ukraine and the unrest in France have pushed the score down. The Middle East and Central Africa have the most trouble spots. The country with the worst score in recent years has always been Afghanistan, and this remains unchanged in the current report.

Source:René Bocksch / statista.com