Diplomatisches Magazin and Waldorf Astoria welcome new ambassadors to Berlin
At the beginning of February, new ambassadors were welcomed to Berlin once again. High above the rooftops of Berlin in the Presidential Suite of the Waldorf Astoria, the hosts of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and the team of Diplomatisches Magazin received the ambassadors of Oman, Slovenia and Sudan, as well as the ambassadors of Argentina, Honduras, Korea and Laos – a relaxed get-to-know-you and an exchange in a relaxed atmosphere. Culinary delights were provided by the Waldorf Astoria and Confiserie Neuhaus.
Photo impressions by Mohamed El Sauaf

f.l.t.r.: Jan Martensen, Director of Government Sales Waldorf Astoria; S.E. Hong Kyun Kim, Ambassador of Korea; I.E. Maitha Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Ambassador of Oman; Dr. Irene Ernst, Publisher and CEO of Diplomatisches Magazin; S.E. Mayboua Xayavong, Ambassador of Laos

Warm reception and welcoming speeches by Dr. Irene Ernst, CEO Diplomatisches Magazin and Gregor Andéewitch, General Manager Waldorf Astoria Berlin.
f.l.t.r.: S.E. Mayboua Xayavong, Ambassador of Laos; S.E. Fernando Brun, Ambassador of Argentina; Maud Petrich, AUDI AG; I.E. Dr. Ana Polak Petrič, Ambassador of Slovenia; Isabelle Kimmerlé, Neuhaus; Gregor Andréewitch; Dr. Irene Ernst

f.l.t.r.: I.E. Dr. Ana Polak Petrič, Ambassador of Slovenia; Dr. Irene Ernst, Publisher and CEO of Diplomatisches Magazin; I.E. Maitha Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Ambassador of Oman; Isabelle Kimmerlé, Neuhaus

S.E. Hong Kyun Kim, Ambassador of Korea;
S.E. Fernando Brun, Ambassador of Argentina

f.l.t.r.: Frank Kronisch, AUDI AG; S.E. Mayboua Xayavong, Ambassador of Laos; Maud Petrich, AUDI AG

f.l.t.r.: S.E. Hong Kyun Kim, Ambassador of Korea; I.E. Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed, Ambassador of Sudan

f.l.t.r.: I.E. Dr. Ana Polak Petrič, Ambassador of Slovenia; Dr. Irene Ernst, Publisher and CEO of Diplomatisches Magazin; S.E. Fernando Brun, Ambassador of Argentina

S.E. Mauricio Arturo Bueso, Ambassador of Honduras; S.E. Mayboua Xayavong, Ambassador of Laos; S.E. Fernando Brun, Ambassador of Argentina

As a farewell gift, Dr. Ernst and Jan Martensen present the guests with a photo with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, which was taken on the occasion of the accreditation on behalf of Diplomatisches Magazin.
f.l.t.r.: Dr. Irene Ernst; I.E. Dr. Ana Polak Petrič, Ambassador of Slovenia; Jan Martensen; I.E. Maitha Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Ambassador of Oman

f.l.t.r.: Jan Martensen, the Ambassadors of Argentina and Honduras, the Ambassador of Sudan, the Ambassadors of Korea and Laos
The family picture

f.l.t.r.: (back row): Staff Waldorf Astoria; Jan Martensen, Director of Government Sales Waldorf Astoria Berlin; Maud Petrich, AUDI AG; S.E. Mauricio Arturo Bueso, Ambassadors of Honduras; S.E. Hong Kyun Kim, Ambassadors of Korea; S.E. Mayboua Xayavong, Ambassadors of Laos; Frank Kronisch, AUDI AG; Isabelle Kimmerlé, Neuhaus; Staff Waldorf Astoria
f.l.t.r.: (front row): Marie Wildermann, Editor in Chief Diplomatisches Magazin; I.E. Dr. Ana Polak Petrič, Ambassador of Slovenia; Dr. Irene Ernst, Publisher and CEO of Diplomatisches Magazin; I.E. Maitha Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Ambassadors of Oman; I.E. Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed, Ambassadors of Sudan; S.E. Fernando Brun, Ambassadors of Argentina

f.l.t.r.: S.E. Hong Kyun Kim, Ambassador of Korea; Jan Martensen, Director of Government Sales Waldorf Astoria Berlin; Frank Kronisch, AUDI AG; Dr. Irene Ernst, Publisher and CEO of Diplomatisches Magazin; I.E. Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed, Ambassador of Sudan;